Welcome to my brain 🧠

Hi nerd.

I'm Jules 🀸🏻. Software engineer, founder, teacher, and life-long student.

  • Currently building Get You There - upgrading the tech stack for immigration.
  • Previously, I've led Developer Relations teams in Cyfrin (smart contract security firm) and Aragon (DAO framework).
  • I also built Surge Women, an educational community for women in Web3 and an NFT collection sold out in less than a week.
  • I have taught and designed courses on programming for conferences and schools around the world. You can check some of that out here.
  • I write a weekly newsletter sharing my product-building journey as a woman in tech.
  • I actively invest in the stock market, crypto projects, and pre-seed angel investments.
  • According to Spotify, I'm in the 1% of people who listen to most music. Here's some of my favorites.
  • I've worked in countries in all continents and have a passion for

Best way to reach me is through Twitter or LinkedIn ✨.